The American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress is partnering with StoryCorps to collect stories about the COVID-19 pandemic. The multiyear initiative will document, archive, and make accessible Americans’ experiences with COVID-19, to strengthen understanding of American life during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Center is especially interested in collecting stories from workers at the frontlines of COVID-19 care (medical professionals, emergency service workers, and others).

This initiative is part of the COVID-19 American History Project, a Congressionally funded program to record and preserve American experiences with COVID-19. CLICK HERE learn more about the Project.

All COVID-19 American History Project Interviews


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Patrick Duganz (39) and Grayson Duganz (10) 2/1/24

Patrick Duganz interviews his song Grayson who was six when the pandemic began. Grayson discusses the upsides of the pandemic (home, and games) and the downsides (school, being advanced for school after the pandemic).