Hear Me Now is a storytelling program at Providence, created in partnership with StoryCorps. Hear Me Now’s mission is to give patients, loved ones, and caregivers a sacred space to share their stories and make healthcare more humane.

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All Providence Interviews

Joyce Dombrouski & Larry White

Joyce and Larry discuss leadership at St. Patrick Hospital in Missoula, MT and compare and contrast some of the challenges, like COVID-19 they've faced.

Elizabeth Garman and Rachel Manchester

Elizabeth shared her amazing life journey, teen pregnancy, loss of baby, humanitarian work with hemophilia education in impoverished countries, COVID journey and loss of family members, strength in adversity, a life of meaning and purpose, Providence mission. faith, leading with...

Kaylea Watkins and Mary Mitchell

Description: Kaylea talks about being the Infection Preventionist in a Long-term Care Community at the Mount and what that has been like during the COVID-19 pandemic. She shares her perspective of the best and worst parts of pandemic life working...