Hear Me Now is a storytelling program at Providence, created in partnership with StoryCorps. Hear Me Now’s mission is to give patients, loved ones, and caregivers a sacred space to share their stories and make healthcare more humane.
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All Providence Interviews
Aidan shared stories with Bentley about his 25+ years of work in gender advocacy and gender diversity, who works with him on the Providence PFAC (Patient Family Advisory Council) board. Aidan wants people to know why this work is so...
Rabbi's, Karen and Daniel, discuss what it's like to raise a transgendered child in this politically charged atmosphere where the trans community is demonized. They recognize their circumstance is different than most because their child is growing up in a...
Carmen opened up with Bentley about a negative experience she had when she took her trans son to seek healthcare. Wanting to ensure that never happened again, Carmen became an advocate for her son's healthcare along with others who needed...
Erin talks with her son Sam about his coming out as trans. The hard conversations, the obstacles, and his desire to live openly and honestly. Getting to start testosterone and living as the person he has always been. Sam knows...
Being transgender has caused Evy to grow up quickly. At 14, she has now lived half her life as the girl she always wanted to be. She and her mother, Holly, share stories about the obstacles Evy has faced from...

Jamez Terry (34) describes his experience in the variety trans road show and how the show impacted various communities and how he became a chaplain.
Holly talks about being an advocate for her trans daughter and how that led her to becoming a member of several PFAC (Patient Family Advisory Council) groups before she found one at the Institute for Human Caring that was advocating...
Jenn talks about being of woman of transgender experience who also identifies as lesbian. Jenn is an advocate for the transgender community and a member of the Providence's PFAC (Patient Family Advisory Council) helping to make changes in healthcare for...