Alexander Bearden and Valerie White
December 5, 2021
58:39 minutes
0:00 / 0:00
One Small Step conversation partners Alexander Bearden (37) and Valerie White (46) talk about their upbringings, political values, and freedom of choice.Subject Log / Time Code
Valerie White (VW) talks about why she wanted to participate.
Alexander Bearden (AB) talks about why he wanted to participate.
AB talks about his difficult childhood.
VW talks about her familiarity with people who have been institutionalized and with troubled youth.
AB talks about his experiences in youth facilities.
VW talks about how her parents are the most influential people in her life.
AB talks about his personal political values.
VW talks about her personal political values.
VW talks about being misunderstood by people with similar political beliefs.
AB talks about being misunderstood by people with different political beliefs.
AB talks about what worries him about the future.
- Alexander Bearden
- Valerie White