Alice Klein and Leora Klein

Recorded August 28, 2024 44:21 minutes
0:00 / 0:00
Id: lmn004026


Mother Alice Klein (74) and daughter Leora Klein (47) discuss the movie "White Bird." They consider hope and the importance of storytelling as second- and third-generation descendants of Holocaust survivors.

Subject Log / Time Code

Alice Klein (AK) shares that she didn't learn about the Holocaust until adulthood.
AK reflects on Leora Klein's (LK's) passion for learning and uplifting Holocaust history.
AK and LK discuss maintaining hope in the face of rising anti-Semitism.
AK and LK discuss the fairness, faith, and kindness of AK's mother, who survived the Holocaust.
AK recounts her mother's journey with opening up about her Holocaust experiences.
LK expresses how AK and AK's mother inspire the work she does as founder of 3GNY and Living Links.


  • Alice Klein
  • Leora Klein

Recording Locations

Lower Manhattan StoryBooth


Partnership Type

Fee for Service
