Ameeran Ali, Attrice Stamps, and Wanda Ellington
April 29, 2016
36:24 minutes
0:00 / 0:00
Friends Ameeran Ali [age unknown], Attrice Stamps [age unknown], and Wanda Ellington [age unknown] discuss religious faith, their church community, and life with a large, mixed family.Subject Log / Time Code
AA remembers moving to Baltimore. She only knew WE, so she came to her house asking for a place to stay. She ended up living with WE's sister.
WE took her in as though she were her biological daughter.
WE talks about AA going to Morgan State and getting a job with the state government. Today she works for the federal government.
AS remembers sponsoring AA for her Catholic confirmation. AS forgot her teeth for the ceremony.
AA remembers how WE came to support her when her mom died.
AA remembers coming to the U.S.
AA describes finding answers to her questions in the Bible.
WE says that she is welcoming to all people because her mother took in foster kids.
AS talks about how we would all be better people if we learned from people in other cultures.
- Ameeran Ali
- Attrice Stamps
- Wanda Ellington