Nicholas Cochran and Uneeke Ferguson
April 2, 2016
40:57 minutes
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Nicholas Cochran (27) speaks with his friend Uneeke Ferguson (21) about their involvement at the House of Hagar Catholic Worker Community in Wheeling, WV, and how those experiences have informed their faith. Both discuss their childhoods and the lessons they have learned from the Jesuits.Subject Log / Time Code
NC talks about growing up in Marietta, OH, a small town in the country. There were very few African American families in his town.
UF grew up in Baltimore, MD. She appreciated growing up around diversity. Her parents were divorced but both involved in her life.
NC and UF discuss private school--UF went to a school that was "principle and value driven," --a Jesuit school.
UF discusses the poverty she saw on her bus ride to school each morning--"It was in your face."
UF's school pushed her into the community to do service projects. "You get a little blind to it unless someone tells you to really look."
NC did not consider social justice issues until going to Wheeling Jesuit, where they teach you that, "life begins at the end of your comfort zone."
NC discusses his involvement with direct service organizations in Wheeling at the House of Hagar, where he made many friends.
UF talks about Kate Marshall, "The Angel of East Wheeling," who "opens her home to every and anyone."
NC tells the story of a man he met at Kate's house who he connected with through music. The man told NC, "This is the first time I've really felt like a person."
NC tells the story of treating a man poorly who showed up at the House and how reading the gospel that morning taught him to rethink his treatment of the man.
UF says that, "one of the huge problems we have is categorizing people." She believes those who live through struggle come out the best--like Jesus.
For UF, community service is not about giving money but giving "your ears, your eyes, your heart."
For UF, the "easiest way to see God is through other people."
NC describes Kate and Hagar House--part of the Catholic Worker Movement--located "in the heart of downtown Wheeling."
UF has become very interested in nonprofits and community building.
- Nicholas Cochran
- Uneeke Ferguson