"I hated her ... She wasn't there for me the way an older sister should be."
November 24, 2018
03:06 minutes
"My name is Samantha and I will be interviewing someone who wants to be kept anonymous. Who was the person misusing drugs in your family? My older sister. Did they ever lie about their addiction to any of the family members? Yes. She lied to my whole family about not being sober. Did you or anyone else in the family see them misuse drugs? Yeah, I witnessed her drinking bottles of vodka at a time. Did they ever steal from the family to get money for their addiction? No. How did their addiction affect your family? My parents felt safe enough to let her watch us and put us in her car and drive us around when she was drunk because they didn’t have any idea, they thought she was sober. How did their addiction affect your relationship with them? I hated her because I was going through my own issues and she wasn’t there for me the way an older sister should be. How did you cope with the situation? I didn’t, I didn’t cope at all. Did they ever get into any fights or arguments with your family? Yeah, my dad and her fought all the time because he kept letting her come back into the home and she swore she was sober, and she was still drinking under his roof. Did anyone try to help them with their addiction? Yeah, me and my younger sister at twelve years old sat her down, when she was in her twenties; we sat her down and tried to convince her to go to rehab because she lost her daughter from her drinking and she wouldn’t do it. Was there anything or anyone who helped you deal with the situation? My mom. She was there for me. Would you or your family ever help them again? Absolutely. Is there anything you wish you could go back and change? No. Because it ended up working out in the end. Have they regained you or your family’s trust at all? Yeah, my whole family loves and trusts her again. Was there anything that stuck with you throughout the experience? That she didn’t care whose lives she was endangering when she was drinking, she just wanted to be drunk. And how is your older sister doing now? Well, she got her kid back and sobered up and now has a nice beautiful family and doesn’t drink anymore so, my whole family loves and trusts her again.”Participants