James Ruelas and Garrett Battaglia
October 14, 2022
52:34 minutes
0:00 / 0:00
One Small Step partners James Ruelas (39) and Garrett Battaglia (30) talk about fatherhood, the education system, their thoughts on immigration, healthcare in the United States and abortion rights.Subject Log / Time Code
GB asks JR about his beliefs. JR shares he was baptized Catholic and got into church when he was in high school. He shares he had a falling out at church and left when he felt that it was not the right place for him anymore. He reflects on questioning the church and feeling that they could do more to help others.
JR asks GB why he wanted to do this interview today. GB talks about having respectful dialogues.
JR asks GB how they handled COVID with children. GB gives credit to his wife and having family support. JR shares they were a quarantined family and he was working from home for the most part. Both agree that their wives helped their families get through COVID.
GB asks JR about his bio and if his role as a father has influenced his desire to get involved in politics.
JR talks about the education system and how it is not meant to support those who do not want a career in academics. GB asks JR about his parents and if his parents raised him the same way he is raising his child.
JR asks GB about his family's religious background. GB shares how his parents met. He talks about how he knew his parents loved him but they were both telling him very differing things about religion. He talks about taking his own path to find out his own thoughts on religion.
JR shares how religion and politics always felt taboo and when there is an opportunity to talk about it in a controlled setting, you can get a better understanding of it. He shares that religion is a power structure in order to control people.
GB talks about feeling that religion was a way to explain things but shares he had an experience that switched his perspective into believing in God. JR asks GB what the point of religion is if it has caused harm. GB shares there are going to be bad actors in any situation and shares that religion is a group of people who are working toward a similar goal.
GB shares his definition of what religion is. JR asks GB about his personal political views. GB shares in the past he has been more moderate-right where he has been able to see both sides but has always leaned a little more conservative. He shares he has become more conservative than he has ever been.
JR shares he was a red Republican and now he identifies as being more to the left. GB asks JR what led to that shift.
GB talks about immigration and how it is a nuanced situation. JR talks about the humanity when he looks at the people who are at the border. He shares there is a reason they are coming to the States.
GB talk about economic policies and how they impact people. He talks about finding balance. JR talks about universal healthcare and shares there are only upsides. GB argues that health systems that have figured it out have done so because they are operating in smaller countries, but there are long wait lines and the grass seems greener on the other side.
GB asks JR if there is something about his beliefs that he does not agree with but respects. JR shares he does not understand how someone can be pro-life. GB shares he understands, "my body, my choice" but there is another body involved.
JR reflects on his daughter and their decision to have her. He talks about children being big financial responsibilities and to make a woman do that is cruel.
GB shares there is a lot to consider and thanks JR for sharing their perspective. JR asks GB if there was something that that he learned about him today that surprised him.
GB asks JR if he was who he expected him to be.
- James Ruelas
- Garrett Battaglia