Phyllis Zweig Chinn and Hai-Ting Allison Chinn

Recorded December 23, 2010 01:19:21
0:00 / 0:00
Id: LMN002417


Hai-Ting Allison Chinn(AC), 37, interviews her mother Phyllis Chinn(PC), 69. They discuss Phyllis’ childhood, her career in math and husband Darryl.

Subject Log / Time Code

PC talks about her parents.
PC talks about how her interest in math got started.
PC talks about her college education in math and getting her Phd.
PC talks about how having children affected the way she taught math.
PC talks about the history of Alzheimer’s in her family.
PC talks about her husband Darryl and being in a mixed-race marriage.


  • Phyllis Zweig Chinn
  • Hai-Ting Allison Chinn

Recording Locations

StoryCorps Lower Manhattan Booth