Daniel Abril and Gloria Abril
March 8, 2013
40:40 minutes
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Gloria Abril (62), an advocate for her nephew Daniel Abril (25), interviews him about his struggle with mental illness and what has been most challenging throughout his journey.Subject Log / Time Code
Gloria tells Daniel how proud she of him for struggling through mental illness. She has learned a lot from him.
At first Daniel was angry that his family took him to the hospital for symptoms of mental illness and severe depression. It took him two or three years to accept his diagnosis.
Daniel describes being bullied in school for being short and "not acting straight."
He wishes his family had understood what he was going through from the beginning. At first his mom just wanted him to pray to overcome his illness.
Daniel thinks it's important to let people know when you're afraid. Going to back to school has been hard for him but it has allowed him to socialize with new people.
They talk about their work with the National Association for Mental Illness (NAMI).
- Daniel Abril
- Gloria Abril