Mona Masood and Nancy Burkey

Recorded June 21, 2022 40:10 minutes
0:00 / 0:00
Id: ddv001825


Dr. Mona Masood (36) and her colleague and friend Dr. Nancy Burkey (65) discuss the founding of the Physician Support Line and the work they do to provide mental health support those on the frontlines of the COVID-19 response throughout the United States.

Subject Log / Time Code

Dr. Nancy Burkey (NB) talks about how she first heard about the Physician Support Line (PSL) and why she got involved.
Dr. Mona Masood (MM) talks about the start of PSL and how she came to the work after witnessing and experiencing the pressure on physicians at the start of the pandemic.
NB talks about what doctors were going through early in the pandemic and how she could be helpful.
MM talks about how she had no end game when she first posted about starting a support line for physicians, and the challenges of launching within one week of the initial post.
MM talks about how PSL has changed over the past three years. NB reflects on the early days and how the challenges physicians face have evolved since the launch of the support line.
MM talks about the need for a space for physicians to be vulnerable and take care of themselves. She discusses how important it is that physicians feel like they can ask for support.
MM talks about the frequent comparisons made between physicians and military personnel, and how she worries about the end of "survival mode" once the pandemic slows down and physicians have to face the moral injury of what they have experienced.
NB mentions the additional fallouts that caused by the pandemic, including interruptions to medical school and Resident training.
MM talks about the support PSL offered to physicians about their marriages, families, politics, systematic injustices, and the concern they felt about their licensing if they were to reach out for mental health support.
NB talks about the shift from shortages of PPE and medical equipment at the beginning of the pandemic to the current shortage of physicians.
The pair discuss the positive ripple effects of the work they do.
NB asks MM if she is taking care of herself amidst all of this as she cares for so many others in her role as a physician, mother, wife, friend, etc.


  • Mona Masood
  • Nancy Burkey

Partnership Type

Fee for Service