Sierra Laverty and Suzanne Asha Stone

Recorded August 19, 2022 36:01 minutes
0:00 / 0:00
Id: mby021999


Suzanne Asha Stone [no age given] and daughter Sierra Laverty (30) share memories of the challenges and triumphs of wolf reintroduction and discuss the future of conservation.

Subject Log / Time Code

SL and SAS discuss SL's early memories of wolves, and what she understood of SAS's work as a child.
SAS describes a trip to Canada to catch wolves for reintroduction in the U.S.. She explains the how reintroduction works.
SAS explains how the 2nd year of reintroduction almost didn't happen due to congressional funding cuts. She and SL discuss her decision to send a letter to potential donors, and recalls the flood of support they received.
SAS and SL discuss the challenges of confronting people's biases against wolves, and the danger they pose to both wolves and the people that protect them.
SL and SAS reminisce about the wonderful people SAS worked with while SL was growing up.
SAS reflects on what helped her manage the controversy, animosity and threats she and her family were subjected to, and remembers the guardian angels that helped protect their family.
SAS shares about the people who were instrumental in making reintroduction happen, and recalls the surprise of receiving help from Michael Blake.
SAS reflects on starting her own non-profit, the International Wildlife Coexisteance Network, and the amazing people it has connected her with.
SAS and SL discuss the pain of seeing a wolf bounty return to Idaho and discuss the challenges they are facing today. SAS shares about her recent trip bringing high school students to D.C. to advocate for the wolves.
SL shares how she has been inspired by SAS's work and has chosen to dedicate her life to conservation through entomology. SL and SAS share their appreciation for each other and their work.


  • Sierra Laverty
  • Suzanne Asha Stone

Recording Locations

Boise State Public Radio
