#PeayStandingUp for Social Justice

Interview an activist/advocate at Austin Peay State University. How are they helping the community?

  • What is your major?
  • Why did you choose to come to Austin Peay State University?
  • Are you involved in any student organizations at Austin Peay?
  • What social justice issues are you most passionate about?
  • How are you a #PeayStandingUp?
  • How did these issues come to be so important to you?
  • Are there any positive moments or memories from your life that you think shaped who you are today? Are there any negative events or memories that you think shaped who you are today?
  • How would you like to be remembered?
  • For those listening to this recording many years from now: Is there any wisdom you’d like to pass on to them? What would you want them to know?