Salem Ohio Library

  • We are recording this interview in_____. Today’s date is ________.
  • I am speaking with____ who is ____ years old.
  • My name is____
  • I am ____ years old.
  • Where were you born and in what year?
  • Where were your parents’ families from?
  • As a child, were you able to go to the library and, if so, what is your first memory?
  • Did you like to read as a child? What were your favorite books?
  • What kind of books do you read now that you could’ve never imagined reading as a child?
  • Do you think libraries are an important part of a community?
  • Has the library – or even books in general – had an influence in your life?
  • What advice would you give to a younger person who only wants to read social media and not books?
  • How can you envision libraries of the future?
  • If money were no issue, what would your perfect library look like?
  • Did you ever have a teacher or librarian who challenged you to think about the world differently?
  • Which is better – the movie or the book?
  • You get to read only one book the rest of your life – what will it be?
  • If you could give advice to your younger self, what would that be?