My interview with my mom! by Celine Nyatome

StoryCorps interview of 16 year old Celine Nyatome’s mother Alice Nyatome. In this interview, they discuss best friends, family, and life as a mother.

Great Thanksgiving Listen 2019 with my Mom

Interviewing Laura Goodwin, my mom, with questions diving into the stories from my childhood.

Daughter Talks to Dad About Family Life

Daughter and dad talks about their life together.

“I’m proud of you” – Mom & I

I ask my biggest inspiration, my mom, a wide range of different questions, while learning from her responses.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

In this video, Ualani Nguyen, a 15-year-old, interviews her dad, Rex Nguyen, who is 64 years old. During the conversation, she discovers some previously unknown facts about her dad. Additionally, they ended up taking a trip down memory lane as...

Mary Brehm and Judith Brehm

Mary Brehm (57) interviews her mother Judith Brehm (91) about her career, her friends, and her late husband.

My Father Gary Hoaglund and myself Casey Hoaglund

Audio cut short due to my microphone cutting out unexpectedly, but I’ll post what I have. Here’s Gary Hoaglund reflecting on his childhood and his memories of that time and me as a child.

Halle and Michael Horn talk about her earliest memories.

Michael Horn interviewed his daughter Halle A. Horn on August 18, 2019 in Branson, Missouri. She says she wants to be a YouTube star or a lawyer.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen 11/29/17

Eoin Connolly, an Irish immigrant, tells his story. He answers questions about education, religion, marriage, the transition to the USA, and other social and comical topics.

chat w dad ❤️
November 3, 2022 App Interview

asking him questions I often don’t ask.

Fred Jones and Rachel Schmidt

Rachel Schmidt (41) sits down with her father, Fred Jones (79), to ask him about his young adult years. Fred shares stories from his time studying at the Georgia Institute of Technology and from his time serving in the U.S....

My Mom!

This is an interview between my mom and I, where I ask her life questions to understand her life more.

Mother and Teenage Daughter Chat About Life

Mother Cindy Ouillette and Daughter Lily Ouillette sit down to chat about life, values, and their relationship.

Uruguayan Immigrant Mother

My mother came to the United States with three of my siblings when I wasn’t even born, and this is my interview with her.

Marti & Scott

Shortly after Marti's daughter Julia was born she was diagnosed with incontinentia pigmenti. It was affecting her central nervous system and the doctors didn't expect her to live more than a few years. Marti learned everything she could about this...

Random, but interesting, questions!

This is my Great Thanksgiving Listen that I did with someone who is special to me. There were a few slight mess ups, buts that’s okay because it was our first interview.

Makenna and Bob More

Makenna More interviews Bob More, her father, about the effect the COVID-19 pandemic had on his life as reflected in 2022.

Mother Goes rouge
December 1, 2022 App Interview

Mother and daughter have a deep conversation about how the family got here and how it’s going.

Interview with Mom

This interview was done with my mom. We are very close and we are a lot alike in many different ways.