Interview with my mom

In this interview I asked my mom some questions regarding how she felt about her being a mother raising me and how she felt about my success.

Moms interview

My mom summarized her life story from her childhood to her teenage years. She talks about what she had to leave back when she made the choice of going to the U.S from Mexico.

Interview with my mom about her singing career

Safiyah Simpkins (17) interviews her mother, Tammy McCann-Simpkins (50) about her journey and experiences as a jazz singer.

She will always remember this moment that impacted her life.

She explains how her life was impacted extremely by these people she hung around.

Story corps interview

In this interview I asked my dad multiple questions on his past and present life and how it has affected him.

Dianna Willis and Judy Willis

Mother and daughter duo, Judy Willis [no age given] and Dianna Willis (50), discuss their mutual love for the outdoors, camping and hiking. The two also share their individual experiences surviving near fatal accidents.

Mother dearest

This is an interview with my mother on a few things in her life as a parent.

Interviewing my mom

Today I am interviewing my mom, Jennifer. I have chosen some personal questions for her to answer.

an interview with my mom

i ask my mom about her life, theres a lot of details she left out though


We talked about how her life was a child. Always how she is now with my siblings.

An Interview With My Mother, Mary

This interview is with my mother to talk about her baking business, Chestnut Creek Baked Goods.

Conversation with Corinne

Corinne (23) discusses her most special and most difficult memories, as well as her relationship with her mother

My Great Thanksgiving Listen

My mother and I talk about our family and how they have affected her throughout her life.

Paula Baracaldo and Joe Walters

Partners, Paula Baracaldo (35) and Joe Walters (32), share a conversation about how they first met and their first impressions of one another. Paula also talks about coming to the United States from Colombia when she was twelve years old,...

Emily Lynott and her grandma Joan Laracuente discuss growing up and memories in Oakland, New Jersey

In this interview, conducted on November 24, 2017, Emily Lynott (14) and her grandmother Joan Laracuente (74) talk about early life and friendships in New York, occupations of herself, her parents, and her husband, and memories from her childhood and...

Just talking to mom December 2018

Mom and Mary share quality time together.

The Journey to Naval Intelligence and beyond

This interview is about my mother and her journey to where she is today. From childhood, traveling the world, being in Naval Intelligence, and being a mother.

Mom’s Love
October 5, 2018 App Interview

He told about mom's love. And how important it is, how mom's love effect him. He respect to his mom. Also what he do to express his love without words.

Laura Reyes & Scott Acord

A positive experience Laura had with a nurse when her father died on Christmas morning, has shaped her career in Patient Experience. Laura shares stories about her fathers influence in her life and her families Christmas Eve celebrations.

Living By a River

This interview was conducted with my mother. It was based mostly on the differences between Korean and American culture.