German Imigrant Story
November 29, 2022 App Interview

My dad talks about his fathers experience growing up between 2 world wars in Germany, escaping to South Africa, and immigrating to the US.

Growing Up In South Africa

In this interview I talked to my mom about what it was like to grow up in South Africa and what life was like once she moved to the states when she was 17.

Pam Becoming An American

Pam is a naturalized American citizen. She was born in South Africa during Apartheid and emigrated to the U.S. with her husband and young children.

Success – No Matter of Color

Skating down the hill on four tiny rolls with 50 mph while touching the ground with his head. That's Kent (42), a South African person from Capetown telling his unstoppable way to success which started 28 years ago.

Charlotte Hay talks to her grandmother Jetske Budding about her life and experience growing up in Dutch Indonesia.

In this interview, Charlotte (16) interviews her grandmother Jetske (85) about her life, especially about her travels and growing up in the Dutch Colony of Indonesia during World War II.

Shirley Olive Greig

A brief look at a Southern African woman’s life, challenges and travels. Casually interviewed by her son and daughter in law.

Water Leasons from Peace Corps

A Peace Corps experience changed how he viewed water and inspired him to make an impact.

Katrina Spencer, Teresa Barnes, , , and

After arriving to Zimbabwe in her twenties, pursuing her doctorate there, living in South Africa, and returning to the United States, Dr. Teresa "Terri" Barnes reflects on three decades of experience in Africa and academia.

Growing up in South Africa

Grandson interviews Grandmother about what is was for her growing up as a white South African. South Africa Bloemfontein (Flower Fountain)

Ian Hicks and Sheri Bullock
October 25, 2022 App Interview

Ian Hicks 79, and Sheri Bullock 50, talked about growing up in South Africa, racism, having a bi-racial family and kindness

The Top 5 Best Bits from the South Atlantic

Andrew McIntyre and Laura Guertin both sailed on JOIDES Resolution for the first time during Expedition 390 (South Atlantic Transect I). Four months after they departed the JR, they reconnected to discuss and compare the events and moments that made...