Hellen’s interview

Hellen(16) interviews Lynn(67) about her life and past experiences.

Dr. Aurea Toxqui

interview Dr. Aurea Toxqui, Associate professor and Associate Dean of Diversity and Innovation at Bradley University about her education, career, and hobbies in Mexico and the United States

Story Corps Project – Alleen Fuerte

In my interview i got the chance to interview my chemistry teacher, Clarissa Barr. In my interview I got the opportunity to know more about her, than just knowing her as my chemistry teacher. She talked about her childhood and...

Woodcrest-Joanna ELO

interview with Joana Fanos. Discussing how Dr. Schachman and how he impacted her sister and family.

1960s Interview with Dale and Bran Benson

Alia and Omema interview Alia’s grandparents about the 1960s

Part one of interview

with Maryellen part one of her story.

John O'Connor and Jeff Guy

One Small Step conversation partners John O'Connor (74) and Jeff Guy (55) discover they share a similar philosophy to life even as they hold different political views in their discussion of religion, reading history books, political leaders, their relationships and...

Dylan Hartbarger- Living History Project

conversation with my mom about her experiences in new york during 9/11

Class Interview

The interviewee is Brendan Brown. He is 25 years old and a classmate of mine. We talked about stories from our childhood.

Granddad’s Life In The Army- with Ellie Herndon

I am Ellie (12) and I am interviewing my granddad (75). He is one of the most resilient people I know, and we will be talking about his life in the army.

A childhood to remember " Lainey Sullivan & Mike Sullivan"

Today I am talking with my dad about him moving and giving the pros and cons about moving a lot as a child. We talked about his favorite places that he has lived, and especially the hard times and thoughts...

Historian Project

Talking with my 97 year old great grandmother about her experiences throughout her life.

Interview with Rudy Pendleton 02/11/24

Interviewer(daughter): Lily Nicole Pendleton(age 17) Interviewed(father): Rudy Johny Pendleton(age 45) We spoke about Rudy’s past, upbringing, and religion playing into how he was raised and how he raised his own children.