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"A Life of Faith"

In "The Great Thanksgiving Listen 2019" Efren Ayala interviews his mother, Oralia Zamora, about her life in Mexico and then America. She was born in a small town in Michoacan, Mexico, where she lived until she turned eighteen and moved...

From England to the United States

This is an interview about a former citizen of England who immigrated to the United States and started a new life.

Interview with my Grandpa about his education and his immigration to America

In this interview, I asked my grandpa about his educational experiences in Pakistan and Denmark and the process of immigrating to America. He highlighted his journey of learning to value the importance of education and explained how his life and...

An Interview With my Mother, Maria

Maria talks about how her life in America and how it’s better now than it was before when she lived in Mexico.

An Interview with Maria, an immigrant

Maria talks about how her life in America and how it’s better now than it was before when she lived in Mexico.

Me, My Dad, and His Life In India and Amercia

Me and my dad talk about what it was like for him to move to India. We also talk about his childhood and what he was like as a kid going through elementary school through college

My dad's perspective and experiences

Coming from modest beginnings in India, my dad talks about his childhood, adult life, journey through education, values, culture, and life lessons learned.