Dianna Willis and Judy Willis

Mother and daughter duo, Judy Willis [no age given] and Dianna Willis (50), discuss their mutual love for the outdoors, camping and hiking. The two also share their individual experiences surviving near fatal accidents.

Remembering a Surprising Birth

I ask my wife to recall her experience giving birth two months early and what triggers memories of that experience.

Story Corps Interview Project

My mom describes why she adopted me from China and the challenges I faced from being in an orphanage affecting my development as an infant.

Mother Dearest

Although me and my mom are pretty close and know one another well, I asked some more personal and intentional questions to know her a little better.

Charles Mestayer and Franchesca Peña

Charles "Chuck" Mestayer (72) speaks with conversation partner Franchesca Peña [no age given] about surviving a car accident, the passing of his brother, and what he relied on during these difficult times.

“From one country to another.”

The interview is me questioning my mom about things in her life as well as things about me.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

I (David) ask my mom some questions that I didn’t know the answer to. I learn a lot from this conversation with my mom.

Interview with Hoang Tran

This interview tells my dad’s past and key memories that have shaped him today. In this recording he reflects on his past choices and learns from them later on his life.

Sarah Strawser interviews her mother, Lisa Bates, about the traumatic death of her best friend.

Lisa Strawser recalls the events of her best friend’s death and gives meaningful advice and words about taking people for granted and how short life is.

Final Project

This is a great time with my dear friend. I learned several things about Lisa that I didn’t know before.

Kolton Landreth and Kurt Oswald

One Small Step conversation partners Kolton Landreth (27) and Kurt Oswald (66) have a conversation about their personal experiences with family, the news media, and the current political climate.

A Talk with Ibrahim Seremet

In this interview, conducted on November 2017 in Ashburn, Virginia, Layanne Seremet interviews her father, Ibrahim Seremet about his life. He shares stories about his life as a Bosnian immigrant who worked hard to reach were he is today.

Interview 1
September 20, 2018 App Interview

Emily duck asked Skylar Sexton tons of questions.

Mother to Daughter

This interview is of Christina Alvarado, an amazing mother and human being.

Vicky’s view on spirituality

Vicky has experienced tramatic events over the years and talks about how her spiritual views have changed and morphed through them all.