John Beard and Sara Beard

John Beard (50) interviews his wife Sara Beard (28) about her early life, her memories, and the activities she enjoys.

Grandparents anniversary

Nancy and Donald share their memories and wisdom of 63 years of marriage.

Great Thanksgiving Listen

Me and my grandmother discussed her past and memories. We also explored every aspect of the things she remembers and what her life was about.

Interview with my Dad

George told many life stories about times and people I didn’t know existed. Reflecting back on events and people in his life.

Before It’s Gone.

As her mind becomes less reliable, some of my mom’s favorite stories from her time growing up in Utah and going to Germany when dad was in the army.

Me asusté mucho ( I was so scared)

This interview was talking about how it was back in his day where everything was different. With that also what he did back then and what he wanted us to know what happen to him and he what he wanted...