Date Range Clear
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Recorded by Clear
Keywords Clear
- memories of growing up 5
- World Trade Center 5
- historical events/people 4
- religious beliefs and practices 4
- September 11th 4
- Spouse 4
- 2001 3
- college 3
- family trips and excursions 3
- political beliefs and practices 3
- 1993 WTC Bombing 2
- Abortion 2
- anecdotes (humorous but true stories) 2
- army 2
- Art 2
- Catholicism 2
- childhood 2
- Evacuation 2
- Family 2
- family characters 2
- International travel 2
- January 6th 2021 insurrection 2
- luck and fate 2
- military basic training 2
- New York city 2
- September 11, 2001 2
- social beliefs and practices 2
- Victor Wald 2
- Weather 2
- WTC 2
- 1993 World Trade Center Attack 1
- 1993 WTC Attack 1
- 40th birthday 1
- 69th Floor 1
- 6th Street & 2nd Avenue 1
- AA 1
- abstract 1
- Active duty 1
- Advanced Individual Training 1
- AIT 1
- alcoholics anonymous 1
- Alcoholism 1
- ambulance 1
- Andy Warhol 1
- anti-war protests 1
- apple juice 1
- apprenticeships 1
- Arab spring 1
- Arcadia 1
- Armory 1
- Army National Guard 1
- art installations 1
- Artist 1
- Atomic bomb 1
- Autism 1
- Avalon Partners 1
- bacterial meningitis 1
- bat mitzvah 1
- Battle of Gettysburg 1
- Beliefs 1
- 283 more
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