interview with Sarah Fuller

Katie Fuller age 19 interviews her sister Sarah Fuller age 23. In this interview we find out a bit about Sarah fuller including how she would like to be remembered and her happiest moment.

Perspectives: Fred Bailey

Born Black and blind, proud American, state of Black people, not believing in racism, not using his blinds as an excuse, Not being called an "African American" , Black Economic Group.

An Interview With My Mother
May 2, 2022 App Interview

Keschia and Kyla Randle discuss life and all the joy that life can bring.

Interview with my mom and her life and perspective

I interviewed my mom on how her childhood was like, her life in America, and future perspectives.

Student-Teacher Connections

Hear how Karla interviews a teacher that has taught her more than just the structure of a sentence in Spanish. This teacher has given her a beautiful and true insight of what is life.