"I'm still figuring out what I want to be when I grow up": Allison Dietrick

Reed Dietrick (16) talks to her mother, Allison Dietrick (48), who shares a story of reclaiming her identity and finding happiness after a lifetime of chasing external validation.

James McNair and Stephanie Louie

James (24) and his sister, Stephanie (32), talk about their shared experience of Type 1 Diabetes. They talk about day to day life, summer camp (Camp EDI), and the future of the disease.

Bob Conover talks about building Ranger, a JPL spacecraft that went to the Moon in the 1960s, then restoring it again 50 years later

In the summer of 2015, Bob Conover led a team of 12 volunteers to restore a 50-year-old Ranger spacecraft at the California Science Center. Bob is a retired JPL engineer who originally worked on the Ranger at JPL in its...