Hellen’s interview

Hellen(16) interviews Lynn(67) about her life and past experiences.

Me and Dad

Oleksandr asks his dad, Ivan, different questions

Story Corps Project – Alleen Fuerte

In my interview i got the chance to interview my chemistry teacher, Clarissa Barr. In my interview I got the opportunity to know more about her, than just knowing her as my chemistry teacher. She talked about her childhood and...

Woodcrest-Joanna ELO

interview with Joana Fanos. Discussing how Dr. Schachman and how he impacted her sister and family.

History Interview

Daughter Nala Haridas (13) asks mother Manju Haridas (45) about her early, current, and future life

Olivia Kauffman's Interview with Bob Kauffman (High School Baseball)

Olivia Kauffman (22) talks with her Dad, Bob Kauffman (59) about his experiences playing baseball in highschool and younger and how that effected his personal relationships.

Campbell Strecker and Barbara Richter

Campbell Strecker interviews her grandmother, Barbara (69) about Vietnam War and her life in the 1960s and 1970s.

Jenna Rosebrough and Maria Efanova

Suzanne Armstrong (74) discusses her life in the sixties, talking with her granddaughter and friend about Vietnam, Martin Luther King Jr., and general life during the time.