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When she was younger and what it was like.

2018,Great Thanksgiving Listen
November 30, 2018 App Interview

We basically talked about what my mom's childhood was like and what's she did throughout her life.

The great Thanksgiving listen

It was mainly focusing on him and his past childhood. It was also talking about his struggles and how he overcame them

Mother’s childhood in Bodega Bay

My mom's childhood in Bodega Bay was talked about during this interview

Thanksgiving Assignment

We talked about her past and what her childhood was like. Also, we talked a little about her life now and how it’s changed from back then.

Interview With Mother

Me and my mother talked about her childhood and things she wishes she could change or things that’s made her into who she is today but we also got Into some political things about our current president and how she...

Great Thanksgiving Listen

We talked about her chilhood and her teenage life. We also talked about her life as a young adult.

Maeve and Mom

Maeve asking Mom questions about her childhood.

The Great Thanksgiving Day Listen with Lala and Ari

Ariana Ramos (14) talks to her grandmother, Naomi Ramos (77) about her childhood. They also talk about how she wants to be remembered, and about the life that she has lived and continues to live.

Dad and growing up

My dad just talked about his childhood and what it was like for him growing up and memories

Interview of my mom 11/27/17

This interview is of my mom answering questions I have wondered about her.

Interview with my brother

I have the opportunity to interview my brother Gustavo Renteria. I was able to talk about his early childhood and family traditions. We were also able to talk about some of the lessons he learned in life. He tell me...

Taylor Spears

This is a interview with Taylor Spears that is a bunch of questions just to help you get to know her better


My grandmother and I talked about her childhood and her memories as a child