Logan Wilson and my grandmother Elizabeth Swanson Greene talk about her life growing up and now

In this interview that was recorded in November 2019 in Tampa,Florida Logan Wilson interviews her grandmother Elizabeth Swanson Greene about her life growing up and her life now. She also talks about her mother,father,brother and sister. Also about her hobbies...

Aga Interview

Talking to my grandmother about her life and childhood especially.

Story time with Abu

This is an interview between a teenager and her grandfather, in which he tells her about his early life and the moments and people who have helped shape him into the person he is today.

Nairi interview with Grandpa

Nairi Kleinfeld interviews her grandpa, Andy Kleinfeld, on January 7, 2024. Andy Kleinfeld has terminal cancer, so this was an important conversation between them.

Delia the Doll

Learn the story of the mystery of the Doll passed 4 generations in the matrilineal line.

Remembering times with Cyla (Far Left) Byrd and Maria Byrd (Middle)

This interview is between a 15 year old girl, Cyla Byrd, and a 72 year old woman, Maria Byrd. Listen as they remember the times when Cyla was still a little girl (far left in picture), and how life for...

Interview with My Lola

In this interview I got to learned that my Grandma was a very hard working mother, wife, daughter, and grandmother. I am thankful that she's a part of my life.

Grandma Chats About Life

Alice Moore talks about being a lamaze instructor, her upbringing in the Austin area, her musical background, her dear brother, and her family, with her college age granddaughter.

Talking to Grandma

I talked to my grandma today and learned more about her that I have actually never asked before

StoryCorps Interview Ap Lang

I conducted this interview in Atlanta, Georgia, while my interviewee resided in Lafayette, Louisiana. In this interview, I interviewed my grandmother, Myra, or Aan as I call her, about her life experiences. My grandmother was born in the mid-1900s in...

Tony Vitale, on his 89th birthday, shares his life story with his granddaughter Jenna Beagle

In this interview, conducted on April 22, 2018 in Louisville, Kentucky, Jenna Beagle (18) interviews her grandpa Tony Vitale (89) on his birthday about his life. He shares memories from his childhood, early in his marriage and reflects back on...