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Immigration Stories Italy: Damman

Damman is the youngest of the asylum seekers I interviewed at Villa Barbiero Centro Accoglienza Immigrati. While it is always a struggle to cross Northern Africa to get to Libya, Damman had a few strokes of luck along the way....

Immigration Stories Italy: Lamin Tamba

Lamin Tamba, who goes by Lamin, and in our interview he shares horrific details of his journey from Senegal to Libya and then ultimately pushed onto a boat into the Mediterranean Sea in complete darkness, hoping he makes it safely...

Immigration Stories Italy: Savaneh Lamin

Savaneh Lamin, who goes by Lamin, talks about his arduous journey from the Ivory Coast to Libya and then crossing the sea to be rescued by a Ship. Once rescued by a ship he was brought to Italy and then...

Immigration Stories Italy: Sunday

Sunday is a asylum seeker seeking refuge at the Villa Barbiero Centro Accoglienza Immigrati living a productive and safe life at the center in Southern Italy. Sunday works doing manual labor on farms around the Catanzaro region. Sunday talks about...

Interviewing my dad

His life and what has happened through this life and some funny stories