Future of Millennials

Amanda Sylvain interviews Josh Mckelvy for New Media.

Extra credit: A millennial view.

I interviewed a close friend of mine. This is also a pilot for a podcast channel I am working on.

Mitchell and Nancy talk about the John F. Kennedy assassination. “I really felt like I knew him.”

Nancy describes her emotions after the attack happened. She was only a kid, so at the time she wasn't impacted too much. Now that she looks back, she understands the significance of the attack and how this was the spark...

Mr. Jim’s Perspective of JFK Being Shot

This is my father speaking about somethings he remembers in regards to JFK being shot and other idealogies stemmed off of him.

Mother’s Advice to a Daughter

In this interview Malena's mom discusses the way her past and the people in her life influenced her, what it was like for her growing up, and her hopes for Malena in the future. She discusses her mother (Malena's grandmother)...

Our Eyes Have Seen (Episode IV: Life and Times of Thomas Henry Sheffler)

Part I: A multigenerational conversation about the events in history that we witnessed and how they affected us. We talk about culture, war, television, media, historical influences, points of view and legacy. Part II: Uploaded separately as Teacher Talk -...


I interviewed my mom and how her life was growing up in the 20th century.

Mother & Daughter

This interview is between a mother and a daughter. It contains valuable information and details from the participant’s life and aspects on the world.

David Dodson and Christy Hightower
January 17, 2017 App Interview

David Dodson tells the story of the time he spent with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., as one of about twenty college students who got to listen to, and ask questions of, Dr. King on August 23, 1963. David remembers...

Millennial Marriage – Chip & Shannon

We talked about why we married in our early 20s, how we’ve changed and grown together, and what marriage is like in a time when most of our friends aren’t married.

JFK Assassination

Today we talked about the JFK assanation and my grandmas, Judy Leach’s, feelings about it, her memories, and how it affected her.

How is living in the digital age as a millennial

In our interview, Sean and I discussed living life as part of the younger generation and growing up with technology. As well as the pros and cons that come with it.

Kennedy Assassination

This interview is about what my grandmother remembers about Kennedy’s assassination.

Alcohol: An Addictive Enemy to Millennials

Betsy S. is a Mexican millennial who came to the United States in her later years. In this interview, she tells us about her experience with her alcohol addiction and how she was able to overcome it.

The Pressures of American Culture
December 3, 2017 App Interview

Asking a Sudanese millennial about the pressure to conform to American culture.

John F. Kennedy Assassination

Andrew Himes, my grandpa was a 16 year sophomore at McDonough highschool when president John F. Kennedy was assassinated.