Date Range Clear
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Recorded by Clear
Keywords Clear
- Physics 3
- memories of growing up 2
- personal experiences 2
- school day memories 2
- scientist 2
- Spouse 2
- Academic life 1
- Achievements 1
- African American Artist 1
- Appearance 1
- apprenticeships 1
- Art Market 1
- art therapy 1
- Artist Collaboration 1
- Artistic Process 1
- bereavement 1
- birth of first child 1
- Black artist 1
- Business Partners 1
- Calvin college 1
- Camera 1
- Canada 1
- career 1
- Challenges 1
- Chicana 1
- Chicano 1
- children 1
- cohorts (groups of friends) 1
- Compassion 1
- Congress 1
- Congressman 1
- Couple 1
- craft, skills, and procedures 1
- Difficulties 1
- Dutch 1
- economic beliefs and practices 1
- elderly 1
- Elections 1
- Emerging artists 1
- Empathy 1
- Environmental 1
- Established Artists 1
- Family 1
- fine arts 1
- Future America 1
- Grand Rapids, Michigan 1
- Guilt 1
- High School 1
- jazz 1
- jobs 1
- Marriage 1
- Master 1
- memories of former times 1
- Mexican American 1
- migrant farmers 1
- ministry 1
- Minnesota 1
- Museum 1
- Netherlands 1
- pandemic 1
- 33 more
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