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English Project

My dad's experience growing up in the 1980s, his favorite sports, pets, and experiences as an engineer.


We were talking about where my grandfather was stationed in the airforce. Also why he went in, and his most memorable moments.

Interviewing My Grandma

I interviewed my grandma, Hilda Fowler on her life, but especially her childhood. My grandma grew up in North Carolina just outside of Raleigh. Her whole life she lived in the south. She was born on March 7, 1936 and...


I believe the Kaepernick dispute has led to many controversial issues in american sports. I am here interviewing Marci Jenkins on her opinions regarding Kaepernick helping stand up for what he believes in.

More than a Sport: How Swimming has Shaped Jessica’s Life

Judy interviews Jessica on her transformative journey through swimming. It shows her reluctant beginnings in swim lessons to the lifelong friendships forged at her childhood swim team, The Ranch. As Jessica reflects on her relationship with swimming, she discovers the...

English Paper Q3

Donna describes her recovery of a hip replacement surgery to running a 5k in France.

Thanksgiving interveiw

Interview with Grandma about what were her fondest memories with her grandparents, her teenage years, and what she is most grateful for.