Tom Michael and Don Reiman

Tom Michael (52) interviews his friend Don Reiman (67) about his outdoor adventures and experiences in Boise, Idaho. They also talk about future adventures, the community, and flying.

Tim Burke, Billy Demong, and Lowell Bailey

Friends Tim Burke (38), Billy Demong (40), and Lowell Bailey (39) share memories of how they grew up together learning to ski in Upstate New York, and how they eventually started competing at the Olympic level.

John Atkinson and Nancy Bentley

Nancy Bentley (63) interviews her husband, John Atkinson (67) about his life, focusing on his health issues with eczema and asthma, his work in the Peace Corps, and his favorite family memories.

Mary Beth Holman and Shawn Mullin

Mary Beth Holman and Shawn Mullin returned to the Storycorps booth to talk about the influence of their maternal grandmothers on their lives. They both said that their maternal grandmothers loved them unconditionally. They agreed that each of their relationships...

William Moody and Elizabeth Moody

William Moody (62) helps his mother Elizabeth Moody (101) to recall stories from her long life. Elizabeth recounts the move her family took from Missouri to Arizona in 1924, and how she made a happy life for herself in Arizona...

John Svagera and Mildred Marne

John Svagera (72) and his aunt Mildred Marne [no age given] share a conversation about their family history, particularly the experience of Mildred's father who immigrated to the United States from The Czech Republic (formerly Czechoslovakia) following World War I.

Meagan Armstrong and Amy Blossom

Woman interviews her 21 year old daughter who was adopted from Korea as a 6th month old about her identity and recent trip to Korea where she met her biological family.