Ashley Geng and Elena Li

Ashley Geng interviews her friend Elena Li. They talk about their favorite teacher, some food and cities to travel.

Guy Blanchette and Rose Splett

Guy Blanchette (age 67) has a conversation with his friend Rose Splett (age 85) about getting to know one another and how they became friends.

Stories of my Mom

My name is Angelica Berrios (29) and my mother passed away two years ago. In honor of her, I wanted to share a couple of stories about her character along with my boyfriend, Osmar Cedeno (26).

Dealing with social anxiety in a college setting

Rachel Katcoff looks back on how she never felt like she was a real part of her hometown community. This was something that carried on over to college. She looks back on her transition and how her social anxiety held...

Time is precious

Erin Canada: 2021-04-28 03:46:09 A quick interview with my mom in which gets into what's important to her.

New Providence found me.

Long-time resident Patty Kummer describes her 50 years of life in New Providence, and why she loves teh town.

Beyond the Block Ep.5 – 2825 Thomas Tolbert Ave

Sharon Horton, my mother, is the last participant. She will speak about the house we have been living in for the past ten years. Growing up in an area where poverty and crime rates dominate social media narratives lessens the...

Tajay Ramos and Ashley Zalabak

Tajay Ramos (18) speaks to her friend and former boss Ashley Zalabak (30) about her experience as an teen intern at the South Carolina Aquarium, her interests in becoming a sea turtle biologist and hopes for her generation to care...