Date Range Clear
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Recorded by Clear
Keywords Clear
- childhood 4110
- Love 3427
- personal experiences 3117
- memories of growing up 2503
- Immigration Stories 1902
- mom 1588
- Parenting 1535
- School 1523
- High School 1517
- memories 1507
- Growing Up 1491
- Birth 1384
- college 1365
- interview 1349
- Thanksgiving 1246
- immigration 1229
- Vietnam War 1185
- Education 1145
- parents 1141
- memories of former times 1132
- military 1111
- friends 1065
- Religion 1065
- The great listen 1049
- Extended Family 1038
- TheGreatListen2023 1009
- War 988
- Grandparents 986
- work 986
- children 912
- Mother 887
- Grandma 885
- World War II 879
- Advice 865
- Motherhood 859
- dad 856
- College, University 800
- Music 800
- school day memories 764
- Birth of children 740
- Best Friends 731
- Teaching 724
- life lessons 715
- social beliefs and practices 709
- career 697
- covid-19 664
- Spouse 660
- father 645
- 9/11/2001, September 11, 9/11 638
- pandemic 637
- History 627
- Faith 625
- Siblings 610
- Happiness 600
- Friendship 597
- Mothers 569
- death 563
- Grandmothers 552
- anecdotes (humorous but true stories) 545
- Culture 539
- 61,508 more
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