The American Dream with Julian King

Griffin King (17) talks with his Jamaican Father (52) about his experience with the American Dream.

The Great Thanksgiving Interview

Explained how she lived and what aspects affected her life and where she got today.

Winter final

We talked about my father's childhood and his rolemodles and people that impacted his life.

Interview with My Grandmother #thegreatlisten #firstvotingmemory #guncontrol #relevantissuestoday

My grandmother talks about her first ever voting memory when she was 21 years old in Whittier, California, and a certain issue that she votes for in elections.

The life of Tihanna Mccleese

This interview was a normal one got to understand more about Tihanna.

Nonie and Hayden

I talked with my grandmother for my interview. In this interview, I asked her to tell me some stories of my mom and her three brothers growing up in Los Angeles, CA. My grandmother then told me many stories of...

Peer Interview with Alice Tsioutsioulikli

Taara Khan (14) talks with Alice Tsioutsioulikli (15) mostly about their middle school lives together and how they've change so much since starting high school.


We talked about different memories in life and our friendship

Nick and Bob interview

I interviewed my dad for 25 minutes and had a very good conversation with him.

Worlds Greatest Father, Colin Sherrill

From riding his bike as a child through downtown Danville, California to chasing wild boars through the Amazon jungle with his two daughters, 51 year old Colin Sherrill takes us through his childhood as well as the struggles and succeses...

Moms Life

From memories to future amber webb explains her feelings to William Webb (13). This interview speaks for amber webs feelings for the future and past as well as memories for her son William. She also talks about things that are...

So Let's Chat About Grech. (and all things Elmo)

Jasper Bayless, Sophomore at El Molino, talks/interviews Skyler Reid and Miguel Acuna, El Molino Alumni and Grechquotes Founders

My grandparents intveiw

My grandma grew up in orage county cali and loved to play softball

Thanksgiving Interview

Interviewing my grandfather i learned some additional information about him.

A Traveling Life of Faith and Service.

Scott Zimmerman, a Junior at Egg Harbor Township, interviewed his Grandfather over the Thanksgiving break from school. Over the course of the recording they discuss his grandfathers early life from birth up until about his early thirties. They discuss how...