
Esta entrevista principalmente tratara los temas más discutidos de el mundial en Rusia 2018.

Seguridad informática

Se realiza entrevista al profesor de la universitaria Agustiniana, Francisco Valle referente a la seguridad informática.

Drones en la industria

En esta entrevista se realiza una breve charla acerca de los drones y sus usos empresariales con un jóven sociólogo el cual en su tiempo libre se dedica al vuelo de drones de manera didáctica y con fines de entretenimiento.

Interview with my classmates

This idea is to interview Mariana and lea en more about here

Jay Horowitz and Michael Berke

Jay Horowitz (73) speaks to his good friend Michael Berke (55) about his family history in the toy industry and refusing his father’s job offer before starting his own business, Juguetes ToyCo, in Colombia.

Angel Enrique Tovar and Julian Martinez

The interview revolves around the life of a Colombian Soldier. It includes experiences from the tasks he had to handle and the achievements he accomplished. The topic about the result of the peace treaty made with the terrorist group called...

Thanksgiving listen

We talked about my dad’s life when younger and his interests

Entrenamiento del basquetbol

Es una charla que vonoce mas del tema del baloncesto que yo

Televisión en el siglo XXI

Básicamente se enfocó en el estado que se encuentra la televisión en nuestro siglo.


My partner told me about your happinest memory when he was a child, when he hace his first Kiss

Abuelo 1/2/21

Discussion with my grandfather about growing up in Colombia and the story of the journey to America and starting a new life