Interview with PapPap

He talks about his experience in the Navy, his college experience, and his childhood memories at Kennywood.

Life Before the Internet and Big Media

Patrick Newcomb talks to his daughter about how media and the Internet were like when he was growing up in comparison to now. They talk about different news platforms, the effects of media, and life 40 years ago.

Great recession of 2008 questions

My mom's past life with great recession and her family. And how it impacted her life.

Attitude of gratitude interview Bryar
November 25, 2018 App Interview

I asked my dad 4 questions about his life and what he is greatfull for.

Grandma’s memories of thanksgiving and gardening

Disscussion of family history with a focus on agriculture and Thanksgiving, leading into a discussion of current traditions and my family's relationship to agriculture.

StoryCorps Presentation

We talked about my grandmothers life when she was younger and all of her cherished memories.

Jim Brumfield and Belinda Andrews-Brumfield

Jim Brumfield interviewing Belinda Andrews-Brumfield on 2022-06-21 23:46:48 in their home in Pittsburg, Kansas. Jim asked Belinda about her life. Belinda's responses included family, career and pets she has loved and who loved her in return.

Mohammad Sheheed & Scott Acord

Mohammad (17) talks about working with teens with mental healthcare needs and what drew him to the work. He also shares how the work has shaped what he plans to study in college.

My Grandfather’s Life

My grandfather talked about his childhood and what life was like for him to grow up on a farm. We also discussed where life took him after his childhood