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In this interview, conducted on November 28, 2019 in Stockton, New Jersey. Aniella interview her great Grandmom about her past and what life was like living during WWII and the Korean War. They talk about living in Trenton, New Jersey...
It was very interesting. We didn’t have enough time to talk about his experience in the navy. It was nice to connect with my grandpa about his childhood and life back then.
Rick Orlandi memories of growing up in Michigan. Demo for his sister Angela. interview with Cindy Orlandi: 2022-12-28 18:38:38
I interviewed my grandpa to find out more about his and my family's history, and to have learn about what is ahead in the future for my grandpa.
Spanish interview featuring La Creme CEO Patricia Pinto and Dr. Jose Wiley speaking about the important myths and realities of the novel coronavirus. Brought to you by La Creme Angels and La Creme Modeling & Acting Agency. @lacreme @lacremeangels
Jack Interviews his Grandmom about her life when she was a child
This is an interview I️ had with my mom that is a timeline of her life from her childhood, life as a mom, wife, and her experiences as a Christian African- American woman.
I interview my dad about some events in his lifetime and his experiences
Ninety-three year old WWII veteran Robert Butcher talks about growing up in Trenton, NJ. He talks about what he learned in the military. He also gives advice to today's young people.