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Bob Schmitz: he’s still alive and kicking.

This interview was conducted with my grandfather, Bob Schmitz. We talked about many things, ranging from his love for fishing to his life’s achievements. We talked about his childhood and life lessons he hopes to pass down. We talked about...

Edgar Contreras and his father Jose talk about his father’s story

In this interview done with Edgar Contreras (16) and his father Jose (46), they talk about the father's childhood growing up and who were his main influences in his life so far. They also talked over how Jose has came...

Grandma’s achievements and wisdom

We discussed my grandmothers top greatest achievements in life. She talked about the person who influenced her the most in life which is her mother. Finally, she gave a piece of advice to hold onto forever.

Covid-19: Maria Trajtenberg

Jackie Neale interviews her undergraduate photography student, Maria Trajtenberg while we are conducting interviews and taking photographs for our storytelling project, The Corona Collective. Maria is living in TriBeCa New York City through the pandemic, and talks about how she...

Learning about Mom and her past.

In this interview conducted by Isaac Morales conducted on November 14 2020 we learn about his mother’s past. Norma Parra tells his son about what her life was when she was younger and how it made her who she is.