Interviewing a student

I am talking with my girlfriend, we talk different questions for the daily normal day and about her life

Life questions

Algunas preguntas filosóficas que de cierta manera nos hicieron pensar

Charla con mi abuelita

Mi abuelita Tencha, es de verdad muy admirable, que ha pasado por muchos altibajos, cosas que de verdad pesaron y no quiere recordar, y aún así, logró salir adelante. Tiene una gran familia que la ama mucho.

My self and I

I dont hace a People yo intervuew sí o interwieved myself

English Communication – interview

I interviewed a dear friend from Austria who is in Monterrey.

Stephanie Sanchez and John Juan Sanchez

John Juan Sanchez (70) speaks with his daughter Stephanie Sanchez (41) about his family history and upbringing in Mexico and the U.S.

Miri’s interview

I asked to Miriam a few questions about her life, ame a noticed that her mom in her biggest influence and thats why Miriam is a strong person

Sergio interview

He explained me how was his life in Bolivia. Some other personal issues that defines the person that he is now.


Today we talk about Saad’s Work, he talk to us a little about him and his work.

BC Interview

This interview was to get to know my English classmate more.


Una pequeña entrevista a mi pareja Mariana Jiménez Campos

Encontré una nueva hermana.

Esta entrevista esta realizada con el fin de recordar el inicio de una gran amistad.