Bubby—The Great Thanksgiving Listen

Nathan Ackerman interviews his grandmother in Walnut Creek, California. They talk about her childhood, his mother, and growing up Jewish during the Holocaust. They also talk about his grandfather, who died when he was 1, and about politics.

Sophie Dalfonzo and her grandmother Pearl Siegel talk about Pearl’s life as an immigrant living in America.

In this interview, conducted on November 26, 2017 in Middletown, New Jersey, Sophie Dalfonzo (14) interviews her grandmother Pearl Siegel (70) about her life story. Ms. Siegel talks about how her family traveled from Poland to Germany to America and...

Mom and Dad

Daughter, Mary Phelan, chats about family history and funny stories with her incredible parents.

Life in Brooklyn

What life was like for Ani in Brooklyn being a young Puerto Rican. How her abuela played a big role in her life.

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: Cristina, "We want to create an infrastructure for people to grow into people we want to see.

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: Cristina Garza, Program Director of the Mission EDC and creator of the Expert In Residence program says part of the Mission CEED co-working space's mission is "...to create an infrastructure for people...

A Woman's Right: The Story It Tells – Kim

A Woman's Right: The Story It Tells - Kim Holleman talks about her political concerns. Kim is a self-professed information chaser, and she talks about how chasing down information revealed more than she was bargaining for.