Cheryle Gail
Brave Voices - HELP US BREAK THE CYCLE OF SILENCE by haveing COURAGEOUS CONVERSATIONS on the uncomfortable topic of childhood sexual abuse. Your story matters. BECOME A BRAVE VOICE It takes courage to LISTEN, LEARN, and most of all to SPEAK. Join us- TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER We choose to sit in the discomfort so the next generation of children won't have to. JOIN US - BECOME A BRAVE VOICE preserve your experience on the Brave Voices Community page on Archive Storycorps and also in perpetuity at the Library Of Congress.
Cheryle Gail and Brinn Langdale continue the conversation of breaking the silence to protect children from childhood sexual abuse.
Brave Voices founder Cheryle Gail (60) interviews Brinn Langdale(36) Sibling Sexual Abuse, From Numbing out to Forgivness
Babs' advice = "LISTEN, BELIEVE and encourage them to STAY STRONG."
Trauma is NOT a life sentence! HOPE inspires Action. Cheryle Gail interviews Rachael Grant
Cheryle Gail and Kelly Wallace
Cheryle Gail founder of Brave Voices interviews Josephine Anne Lauren of Incest Aware
Cheryle Gail interviews Clair O'Leary incest survivor age 5 by Uncle, 16 by Father. Now THRIVING child sexual abuse Activist.
Cheryle Gail & Donna Bulatowicz, Part Two. Educate Teachers- Prevention. Opendoor policy, volunteers in class room. Ask kids,"Tell me More"
Brave Voices founder Cheryle Gail interviews and Donna Bulatowicz
Shirkydra Roberts interviewed by Cheryle Gail
Shirkydra Roberts interviewed by Cheryle Gail
Donna Jenson founder of, interviewed by Cheryle Gail founder of
Hollis Wilder was interviewed by Cheryle Gail Grace, founder of Brave Voices.
Feather Berkower,, author of Off Limits, interviewed by Cheryle Gail Grace,
Laura Davis interviewed by Cheryle Gail Grace for Brave Voices Community on Archive Storycorps, and The Library Of Congress
Nancy Margulies inteviewed by Cheryle Gail Breaking The Cycle Of Silence That Perpetuates Childhood Sexual Abuse