An interview with my grandpa (on my mother’s side)

Recorded April 2, 2020 Archived April 2, 2020 08:23 minutes
0:00 / 0:00
Id: APP2242481


I gave an interview to my grandpa and asked him about his life and his life in general. Here is some background information about Grandpa Xu: Grandpa Xu is currently 71 years old and was born in 1948 in Shanxi, China. He was also born in the Chinese Civil War, which was a war between the Communists and Nationals and took place between April 1927 - May 1, 1950. As he was growing up, Grandpa Xu experienced the rise of Mao Ze Dong and even today still praises the Chinese Communist Party and Mao Ze Dong. Unfortunately, my grandfather was also born into extreme proverty.


  • Jianguo Xu
  • Leonard Yang

Interview By