Don Winkle and Diane Chira

Recorded September 8, 2023 58:12 minutes
0:00 / 0:00
Id: osh000051


One Small Step Conversation partners Don Winkle (60) and Diane Chira (63) discuss bullying, abortion, student loans and "pulling yourself up by your boot straps"

Subject Log / Time Code

Don Winkle and Diane Chira talk about the importance of common ground and being a true witness.
Influential teachers. Who to be like, who not to be like.
Bullying, abortion and religion creeping into politics.
Shootings, protesting and Black Lives Matter.
Don's political identity and being a "conservative democrat."
Should student debt be forgiven?
Pulling yourself up by your boot straps isn't realistic.


  • Don Winkle
  • Diane Chira

Venue / Recording Kit

