Lori Winchell 7.28.23
September 18, 2023
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BIOGRAPHY: I was born in Glendale, California in the early 1950’s. I grew up in asmall town called Tujunga. I attended a public high school in the late
1960’s during a time of social change. I remember events such as
Vietnam War protests, Women’s Rights, and Social Justice concerns
such as desegregation and busing of students as daily occurrences. I
enjoyed rock and roll concerts that included artists such as the Beatles,
Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, the Doors, and Rolling Stones. My high
school classmates reflected the diversity of the community providing a
broad world view. I grew up in a medical family. Women were rarely
admitted to medical school, so I was encouraged to be a nurse. I
received my bachelor’s in nursing at California State University, Long
Beach in the early 1970’s. I lived in the women’s dorm and became a
Resident Assistant which covered my room and board the last two years.
By the time I graduated, the concept of coed dorms evolved. I practiced
Nursing for one year and decided to return to college, University of
California, Los Angeles to obtain my master’s in nursing, Primary
Ambulatory Care, and a minor in Nursing Education. I found my niche.
Forty years later, I continue to work as a Nurse Practitioner. I relocated
from Las Vegas, Nevada to Minnesota when I officially retired to be
near my son and his family. Currently, I volunteer at a grassroots clinic
that serves Native American Elders and other indigenous populations. I
also have the honor and privilege of teaching graduate nurse practitioner,
Doctor of Nursing Practice students as a part-time Associate Professor at
St. Catherine University.
INTERVIEWER: Jocelyn Bessette Gorlin
TECH SUPPORT: Sarah Osborne
Jocelyn Bessette Gorlin
Lori Winchell