Betty Standfill and Tiffany Laposi
August 7, 2011
40:18 minutes
0:00 / 0:00
Betty Standfill (65) and her daughter Tiffany Laposi (40) have a conversation about BS’s children, her mother, her husband Clyde, and the place she grew up, Amboy, WA.Subject Log / Time Code
BS describes all her children, Steve, Todd, Jennifer, Tiffany, Drella, Kathleen. She has 12 grandchildren.
BS’s mother was a matriarch--she died a year ago at 93. TL said everyone claimed to be grandma’s favorite. She was the unofficial mayor of Amboy, WA.
BS’s first husband Pete died in a car accident. Her second husband Clyde played country music in a band, and TL has fond memories of going to hear him sing. BS left Amboy because he couldn’t find work there.
Waitsburg, TL and BS’s current home, reminds TL of Amboy. BS wants to see if wild Easter flowers still grow in Amboy, and if the kids still try to catch crawdads.
BS and TL describe their yearly family get-togethers. BS remembers a game from one beach vacation called “ring of fire.” Someone stands in a hula hoop, answering questions, while small firecrackers are thrown at his/her feet.
There’s not a good marriage record in the family--one sister has been marred and divorced twice to the same man. BS advises her daughters not to try marriage again because “if you’re not good at it, don’t even try.”
- Betty Standfill
- Tiffany Laposi