My Isnpiration in life

Recorded October 30, 2017 Archived October 30, 2017 23:13 minutes
0:00 / 0:00
Id: APP358366


In this interview that took place in two different locations. Through Skype, Maria Eugênia (19), a Brazilian international student, interviews her mother, Marisa (49), that is current in her home country Brazil. It happened on October, 2017, on a Monday morning where there were many tears from both sides of the screen. Maria's mom shares about some great moments in her life, and also the hard times she has seen through her life. The expectation Marisa is for the following generations and demostraded feeling and admirotation she has for her daughter. Maria also tells the influence her mom has in her life and the whole model Marisa is.


  • Maria Zilio
  • Marisa Zilio

Interview By