Diane Spindler and Stephanie Romeo

Recorded July 21, 2005 Archived July 21, 2005 01:23:44
0:00 / 0:00
Id: wtc000035


A woman interviews her sister about escaping from WTC on 9/11.

Subject Log / Time Code

Bulding coming down - Stephanie wondered if she was dead.
Running from ball of debris, coworker, Mark, covered them as it blew over them and she felt that she was goiing to die. - Smoke cleared
Sounds: couging, crying, vomitting, baby crying.
Old fire boat pulled up at water’s edge. Told to get on “I can’t jump” - somone pushed her.
Stephanie had a dream in August about towers crumbling.
Sense of connection with people in New York


  • Diane Spindler
  • Stephanie Romeo