Benjamin Marshall & Laura Smith

Laura recently met Benjamin, who went to school with her brother, Berkeley, who has Down syndrome. Benjamin sat next to Berkeley in sixth grade and he talked about the impact that year had on his life. Because of his exposure...

Harriet Thompson, Mollie Mana'o, and Nora Nielsen

Harriet Thompson (96) speaks with her friend and chaplain, Mollie Mana'o (44) about how they first met when Harriet had come into hospice, her recovery from cancer and their ongoing friendship.

Jeffery Ward, MD and Cheryl Cline

Dr. Jeffery Ward reflects on his career as an oncologist and Hospice Medical Director with his colleague and friend, Chery Cline. Jeff then shares his journey after receiving a diagnosis of mucosal melanoma and now receiving hospice care as a...

Diana Martinez-Bleth and Valerie Bleth

Valerie Bleth-Sharp (51) interviews her mother Diana Martinez-Bleth (79) about her life's work as a nurse, her accomplishments, passions and loves.

Allan Komarek & Melody Fawcett

Allan is the recipient of the 2021 nursing Leadership Award and a conversation ensues that provides Allan an opportunity to share his story and view on leadership, philosophy, nursing career, and discrimination towards being gay.

Liz Farber and Justyna Raszewska

Liz, long time Providence caregiver reflects on her journey to become a social worker and how her spirituality has helped her serve hospice patients

Fr. Gregory Kirsch & Kelly Schmidt

Fr. Gregory and Kelly talk about the Table of the King celebration and its significance in the Catholic faith and those of us at Providence Health. The Table of the King celebration was created by Sr. Emilie Gamelin, one of...

Hilary Schwed & Storey Squires

Hilary, a 7-yr volunteer at Providence Mount St. Vincent (The Mount), explains how serving at The Mount has shaped her and what it is like for her to have a family member live here. He's found a lot of love...

Claire and Peter Warton

A Bridge of Hope; Peter and Claire look back on their life together that began when Claire met Peter when she he was 6 and she 16 and how they reconnected 20 years later when Claire was a violist in...

Joey Kane and Storey Squires

A volunteer turned employee reflects on his time at The Mount since he was a baby and why this is a place of friendship and love for him.

Scott Acord and Lynn Taylor

Lynn (68) shares her story from college professor to hospice volunteer to board member and board chair at TrinityCare.

Carrie Kilpatrick-White, Christi Crowley and Therese Lewandowski

Christi and Carrie share about some of the tender, joyful, healing moments of Camp Erin to provide a safe and loving place for children who have lost a loved one to be with other children and teens who are also...

Dr. Roland Summit & Chaplain Kevin Deegan

Chaplain Kevin Deegan was on service when Dr. Summits wife Jo was on hospice. He shares with Dr. Summit a private conversation he had with Jo. She was an artist and described her pain in colors and how most of...

Andrey MacCracken & Harold "Bear" Cubbage

Andrey's mother died in childbirth and his father died on his way to the hospital. Andrey and his brother went to live their grandparents. At 8 y-o, Andreys grandparents could no longer afford to care for both boys and Andrey...